Tuesday, June 16, 2009

computer usage in UiTM ;)

salam again..
well...we meet again viewers..
been really busy lately huhuu
runnin out of muny.....homework...assignment pun da ader..
nvr mine..to learn livin here..
well lets get this job done!
computer usage in uitm...
as i said bef0re..
computer is mankind creation
(gifted by god)
to make ur life easy..
lifted our load..burden or whatsover it is called..
here in UiTM
computer is used to help us do research.
searching for journal..article..statutes..and other relevant details
to broadened our knowledge..
in order to look for more info or help to do wif our assignment..
here in UiTM..
not all student can afford to buy notebook...lat-top...
and so on..
so in library we are provided wif
computer and internet..via wireless pon ader... :)
(though 1 hour is not enough i think..but who am i to complain anyway)
other than that it also help us to simplify our work systematically...
and can save a lot of at least thousand of student records..
(rekod kejahatan..huhu)
in doing our graphics.....for our assignment
(ley dpt extra marks hehe)
but anyway computer is used widely in our campus..
tu chat in ym or skypes..
at least it can get us connected wif other students..
(rapatkan silaturrahim :) )
sharin information...
searchin out for videos like upin ipin
have fun
to release our tension...
and....many more..
senang citer..computer is important for the student ans staff..
to work systematically ;)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

my 1st assignment in csc134

begin my blog with Assalamualaikum to all readers out there.....

my first assignment i have to create and write in a blog..huhu here we goes..

when i looked at my schedule..i was wondering..what is csc 134??
its not that i did'nt focus on the co-ordinator..i am short sighted and the only place left that i have to sit is at the back wif all my friends..
lookin at the place it were held is computer lab so there it goes....
computer science rupenyer..
huhu so this is my second class today..
hehe i feel quite good and warm..
people around me are nice..
hoho our sir is fwenly(i think laa) and casual too ( i think laa)
it make it a lot easier for newcomer like us...
plus i really miss touching this IT thing...heeeee... :)
so for me..

this subject is important to us nowadays...to get a job..
not only we must have good command in english but also our skill in using computer..
the more skill we have...the wider the oppurtinity to get the job.
nobody can denies that computer help us do our job better...
lifting our load....
we can go browse the internet to look up for more info..in simple word..
it was created by mankind to make our life easy...
in this class..
i will learn more about all the system that i always wondered why were this thing here...
knowin the use and abuse that computer can do eventhough its all started by the humans themselves..
so i hope i'll study hard and foccussed on the subject..
to improve my knowledge about computer
coz it helps a lot in living and struggle in this sophisticated era
not to mention finish and score my assignment.. :)
in every thing that was created to make life easy....
always have the bad and goods in it.....
i mean..people can harassed our privacy...
or making things up...
those rumours and impose picture can definitely bring someone down....
just to make money out of it..
mankind have created this convenient...
for us......
we need to think and use it wisely for our convenient but not misusing it and lead it to the negative part of it...so use the computer wisely and responsibly